What if billionaires buy gold from their all money..

What if billionaires buy gold of thire money

Did you ever thinked, that what if World's most Richest billionaires buy gold by spending thire all money. Well we make this article for let you know how much gold it will be if Elon Musk, Jeff bezos, Bernard arnult and 12 others billionaires spent their money to buy gold. 

There is more than 181436948 Kg gold in the world. Elon musk will own 3% of total Gold in world, if he buy gold from to his all net worth. More from to table.

:- ( Amount of Gold is in Kilograms )

What if billionaires buy gold from their money

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✍️Article by :- Kamal Belbase
📧Email us on :- kbusiness0@yahoo.com


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